Friday, July 10, 2009

DONE and DONE...

So today I finished my 2 week treatment program at Mayo... This consisted as I've explained before of both physical and occupational rehab... I had my last sessions today and now I am in a position to move forward and hopefully progress on my own over the next 3 months... There are goals for the rehab portion of the program to which I need to work towards (I'm about 1/6 of the way thru the program)... So, i'll continue to work hard on my own 2 - 3 times per day and hopefully continue to make progression towards the finish line... If in fact I find it difficult over the next few weeks or so and we don't see the progression they'd like to see on my own, I will return to the Mayo Clinic for 3-5 days for another session of treatments with my therapist here... So I'll be keeping busy with both the physical and occupational therapy programs that are available for me at home and hopefully in 3 months we can see the finish line...

As for my visit with Dr. Camilleri yesterday, things went very well... Although I maybe a little behind schedule in terms of the progress of the rehab, I have been able to make huge strides in terms of re-introducing oral nutrition again and stopping the feedings thru the tube all together... I have certain hydration and nutritional goals that I have to meet each day and if I can maintain those over the next 3 weeks or so, then he feels comfortable with my feeding tube being removed permanently... So I will be very conscientious of what types of calories, proteins and liquids I'm eating on a daily basis (I actually bought a program for my computer which will allow me to track all this activity)... My goals are about 1800 calories, 60-70 grams of Proteins, and then about 60 oz of liquids for hydration (additionally I will be on a nutritional supplement that is like a box juice that each have 250 cals and 9g of Proteins that I will drink 2-3 times per day as well)...
Emotionally this has definitely been a roller coaster ride... There are highs and lows in life and the key to success is being able to work through the lows and get back to the highs... My hope is that thru the tools that Mayo has provided, and my work with my therapist at home, over time this all will fit together and be able to be put behind me forever... I am excited to come home and re-associate myself with some sense of normalcy to life, but also know that change doesn't happen overnight so patience will play a big part in my success... Also, I'll continue to keep in touch with Gabriella and be able to share stories (both good and bad) and be able to work together towards our finish line of sorts... It is therapeutic for us both to be able to share this experience that was unlike any other, and until you've really lived it, it's hard to make that connection...
The people that I have had the opportunity to work with over these past 2 weeks have been an amazing part of my life that I will remember forever (and see again I'm sure in the next few months)... Their dedication to helping me achieve my goals, as well as my dedication to trying to achieve those goals, was extremely instrumental in getting me to where I am now just after 2 weeks... I look forward to continuing to keep them updated with my progress reports and know that they are simply a phone call or email away from helping when/if I hit a speed bump of any kind... THANK YOU PAT and MARK and KAREN!!!
I look forward to seeing everyone at home and beginning to feel better... It's all a work in progress and I won't stop until I know that everything has been achieved... But for the 1st time in now nearly 18 months, I can see a finish line that I know is achievable and which will lead me to a much healthier, safer way of life...
Thanks again to all who have followed this blog to this point, and I look forward to continuing to share my stories as I work on all these things at home.... Every one's support has been a tremendous inspiration and I can't thank you enough... To know there are that many people who truly care about me has been my rock...
I actually hope to join some support groups when I get home to help work thru and talk thru some of the issues that still linger... Also, I have a deep desire to try and do some motivational speaking with regards to helping people get thru tragedy in their lives... I've learned so much about myself that I only hope I can share that with others...
To a new chapter of my life... Here we go!!!

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